Queensland Racing Industry Support Program
How QRISP Can Help
When QRISP is made aware of thoroughbred racing industry participants in need, we step in with whatever assistance we can – usually its financial help. Unfortunately, we can't fix all problems but at least we can make a start.
It might be as simple as paying an electricity or rent bill for someone doing it tough, to paying the funeral costs for someone who has spent their life in the industry and has no-one else to help. We can contribute to the costs of wakes which are often “industry” events, where it’s not fair that these costs should be entirely burdened onto the families.
Our holiday unit at Caloundra offers racing participants a beach getaway with their families at a hugely reduced cost, without the usual hassles and conditions. It also gives those in need the opportunity to use it in times of need, respite, recovery etc.
Racing Industry Participants have access to free and/or heavily subsidised counselling and other mental health supports via dedicated Mental Health Support Programs. To see further details, please click on the below Mental Health Support button.
QRISP is always looking for ways to help all our industry people throughout Queensland, not just when there is a desperate need. Boosting morale and enhancing the well-being of our people is also one of our goals, encouraging them to enjoy things aways from racing for both themselves and their families. Keep an eye on our website for upcoming events and activities, and any suggestions or ideas are always welcome via our email link.