Queensland Racing Industry Support Program

QRISP owns and operates a fantastic 2-bedroom holiday unit at Caloundra. This unit is available for all thoroughbred racing industry participants to book, not just those needing assistance. Our unit is available for everyone to have the opportunity of a beach getaway.
Our unit is a very economical option giving thoroughbred racing industry participants the encouragement to take a break from the 24/7 nature of the job. It's very affordable and simple to arrange. The unit is able to be booked for weekly stays (except during the Christmas/New Year and Easter holiday periods), by thoroughbred racing industry participants to use with their families.
The cost to stay at the unit for racing industry participants is just $300/wk. This is a fully inclusive cost covering the cleaning, linen hire and our "SuperHost" Alex who will ensure your stay is perfect. This is a hugely discounted cost from the usual $1600/wk non-industry participants would pay.
Have a look at the link to our unit on AirBNB (link below) and check availability there, but please DO NOT book it via AirBNB. To request a booking please contact QRISP through the below link instead.